GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Device , n. [OE. devis, devise, will, intention, opinion, invention, fr. F. devis architect's plan and estimates (in OF., division, plan, wish), devise device (in sense 3), in OF. also, division, wish, last will, fr. deviser. See Devise, v. t., and cf. Devise, n.]
    1. That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance; an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.
      1913 Webster

      His device in against Babylon, to destroy it.
      Jer. li. 11.

      1913 Webster

      Their recent device of demanding benevolences.

      1913 Webster

      He disappointeth the devices of the crafty.
      Job v. 12.

      1913 Webster

    2. Power of devising; invention; contrivance.
      1913 Webster

      I must have instruments of my own device.

      1913 Webster

    3. (a) An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance. (b) Improperly, an heraldic bearing.
      1913 Webster

      Knights-errant used to distinguish themselves by devices on their shields.

      1913 Webster

      A banner with this strange device -

      1913 Webster

    4. Anything fancifully conceived.

      1913 Webster
    5. A spectacle or show. [Obs.]
      Beau. & Fl.

      1913 Webster
    6. Opinion; decision. [Obs.]
      Rom. of R.
    7. any artifactual object designed to perform an action or process, with or without an operator in attendance.

      Syn. -- Contrivance; invention; design; scheme; project; stratagem; shift. -- Device, Contrivance. Device implies more of inventive power, and contrivance more of skill and dexterity in execution. A device usually has reference to something worked out for exhibition or show; a contrivance usually respects the arrangement or disposition of things with reference to securing some end. Devices were worn by knights-errant on their shields; contrivances are generally used to promote the practical convenience of life. The word device is often used in a bad sense; as, a crafty device; contrivance is almost always used in a good sense; as, a useful contrivance.

      1913 Webster

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