GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Early , adv. [OE. erli, erliche, AS. ǣrlīce; ǣr sooner + līc like. See Ere, and Like.] Soon; in good season; seasonably; betimes; as, come early.
    1913 Webster

    Those that me early shall find me.
    Prov. viii. 17.

    1913 Webster

    You must wake and call me early.

    1913 Webster

    Early, a. [Compar. Earlier ; superl. Earliest.] [OE. earlich. √204. See Early, adv.]
    1. In advance of the usual or appointed time; in good season; prior in time; among or near the first; -- opposed to late; as, the early bird; an early spring; early fruit.
      1913 Webster

      Early and provident fear is the mother of safety.

      1913 Webster

      The doorsteps and threshold with the early grass springing up about them.

      1913 Webster

    2. Coming in the first part of a period of time, or among the first of successive acts, events, etc.
      1913 Webster

      Seen in life's early morning sky.

      1913 Webster

      The forms of its earlier manhood.

      1913 Webster

      The earliest poem he composed was in his seventeenth summer.
      J. C. Shairp.

      1913 Webster

      Early English (Philol.) See the Note under English. -- Early English architecture, the first of the pointed or Gothic styles used in England, succeeding the Norman style in the 12th and 13th centuries.

      Syn. -- Forward; timely; not late; seasonable.

      1913 Webster

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