GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Expect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Expected; p. pr. & vb. n. Expecting.] [L. expectatum, to look out for, await, expect; ex + out spectare to look at. See Spectacle.]
    1. To wait for; to await. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      Let's in, and there expect their coming.

      1913 Webster

    2. To look for (mentally); to look forward to, as to something that is believed to be about to happen or come; to have a previous apprehension of, whether of good or evil; to look for with some confidence; to anticipate; -- often followed by an infinitive, sometimes by a clause (with, or without, that); as, I expect to receive wages; I expect that the troops will be defeated. “Good: I will expect you.” Shak.Expecting thy reply.” Shak.
      1913 Webster

      The Somersetshire or yellow regiment . . . was expected to arrive on the following day.

      Syn. -- To anticipate; look for; await; hope. -- To Expect, Think, Believe, Await. Expect is a mental act and has aways a reference to the future, to some coming event; as a person expects to die, or he expects to survive. Think and believe have reference to the past and present, as well as to the future; as I think the mail has arrived; I believe he came home yesterday, that he is he is at home now. There is a not uncommon use of expect, which is a confusion of the two; as, I expect the mail has arrived; I expect he is at home. This misuse should be avoided. Await is a physical or moral act. We await that which, when it comes, will affect us personally. We expect what may, or may not, interest us personally. See Anticipate.

      1913 Webster

    Expect, v. t. To wait; to stay. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster
    Expect, n. Expectation. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster