GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Fallow , a. [AS. fealu, fealo, pale yellow or red; akin to D. vaal fallow, faded, OHG. falo, G. falb, fahl, Icel. fölr, and prob. to Lith. palvas, OSlav. plavŭ white, L. pallidus pale, pallere to be pale, Gr. πολιός gray, Skr. palita. Cf. Pale, Favel, a., Favor.]
    1. Pale red or pale yellow; as, a fallow deer or greyhound.

      1913 Webster
    2. [Cf. Fallow, n.] Left untilled or unsowed after plowing; uncultivated; as, fallow ground.
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      Fallow chat, Fallow finch (Zool.), a small European bird, the wheatear (Saxicola œnanthe). See Wheatear.

      1913 Webster

    Fallow, n. [So called from the fallow, or somewhat yellow, color of naked ground; or perh. akin to E. felly, n., cf. MHG. valgen to plow up, OHG. felga felly, harrow.]
    1. Plowed land. [Obs.]
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      Who . . . pricketh his blind horse over the fallows.

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    2. Land that has lain a year or more untilled or unseeded; land plowed without being sowed for the season.
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      The plowing of fallows is a benefit to land.

      1913 Webster

    3. The plowing or tilling of land, without sowing it for a season; as, summer fallow, properly conducted, has ever been found a sure method of destroying weeds.
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      Be a complete summer fallow, land is rendered tender and mellow. The fallow gives it a better tilth than can be given by a fallow crop.

      1913 Webster

      Fallow crop, the crop taken from a green fallow. [Eng.] -- Green fallow, fallow whereby land is rendered mellow and clean from weeds, by cultivating some green crop, as turnips, potatoes, etc. [Eng.]

      1913 Webster

    Fallow , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fallowed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Fallowing.] [From Fallow, n.] To plow, harrow, and break up, as land, without seeding, for the purpose of destroying weeds and insects, and rendering it mellow; as, it is profitable to fallow cold, strong, clayey land.
    1913 Webster

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