GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Garrulous , a. [L. garrulus, fr. garrire to chatter, talk; cf. Gr. voice, to speak, sing. Cf. Call.]
    1. Talking much, especially about commonplace or trivial things; talkative; loquacious.
      1913 Webster

      The most garrulous people on earth.
      De Quincey.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Zool.) Having a loud, harsh note; noisy; -- said of birds; as, the garrulous roller.

      Syn. -- Garrulous, Talkative, Loquacious. A garrulous person indulges in long, prosy talk, with frequent repetitions and lengthened details; talkative implies simply a great desire to talk; and loquacious a great flow of words at command. A child is talkative; a lively woman is loquacious; an old man in his dotage is garrulous.

      -- Gar"ru*lous*ly, adv. -- Gar"ru*lous*ness, n.

      1913 Webster

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