GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Hearty , a. [Compar. Heartier ; superl. Heartiest.]
    1. Pertaining to, or proceeding from, the heart; warm; cordial; bold; zealous; sincere; willing; also, energetic; active; eager; as, a hearty welcome; hearty in supporting the government.
      1913 Webster

      Full of hearty tears
      For our good father's loss.

      1913 Webster

    2. Exhibiting strength; sound; healthy; firm; not weak; as, a hearty man; hearty timber.
      1913 Webster
    3. Promoting strength; nourishing; rich; abundant; as, hearty food; a hearty meal.

      Syn. -- Sincere; real; unfeigned; undissembled; cordial; earnest; warm; zealous; ardent; eager; active; vigorous. -- Hearty, Cordial, Sincere. Hearty implies honesty and simplicity of feelings and manners; cordial refers to the warmth and liveliness with which the feelings are expressed; sincere implies that this expression corresponds to the real sentiments of the heart. A man should be hearty in his attachment to his friends, cordial in his reception of them to his house, and sincere in his offers to assist them.

      1913 Webster

    Hearty, n.; pl. Hearties . Comrade; boon companion; good fellow; -- a term of familiar address and fellowship among sailors.

    1913 Webster

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