GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Kentle , n. [From Quintal.] (Com.) A hundred weight; a quintal.
    1913 Webster
    Quintal , n. [F., fr. Sp. quintal, fr. Ar. qintar a weight of 100 lbs., prob. fr. L. centenarius consisting of a hundred, fr. centeni a hundred each, fr. centum a hundred. See Hundred, and cf. Kentle.]
    1. A hundredweight, either 112 or 100 pounds, according to the scale used. Cf. Cental. [Sometimes written and pronounced kentle.]
      1913 Webster
    2. A metric measure of weight, being 100,000 grams, or 100 kilograms, equal to 220.46 pounds avoirdupois.
      1913 Webster

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