GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Late , a. [Compar. Later , or latter ; superl. Latest or Last .] [OE. lat slow, slack, AS. læt; akin to OS. lat, D. laat late, G. lass weary, lazy, slack, Icel. latr, Sw. lat, Dan. lad, Goth. lats, and to E. let, v. See Let to permit, and cf. Alas, Lassitude.]
    1. Coming after the time when due, or after the usual or proper time; not early; slow; tardy; long delayed; as, a late spring.
      1913 Webster
    2. Far advanced toward the end or close; as, a late hour of the day; a late period of life.
      1913 Webster
    3. Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now; recently deceased, departed, or gone out of office; as, the late bishop of London; the late administration.
      1913 Webster
    4. Not long past; happening not long ago; recent; as, the late rains; we have received late intelligence.
      1913 Webster
    5. Continuing or doing until an advanced hour of the night; as, late revels; a late watcher.
      1913 Webster
    Late, adv. [AS. late. See Late, a.]
    1. After the usual or proper time, or the time appointed; after delay; as, he arrived late; -- opposed to early.
      1913 Webster
    2. Not long ago; lately.
      1913 Webster
    3. Far in the night, day, week, or other particular period; as, to lie abed late; to sit up late at night.
      1913 Webster

      Of late, in time not long past, or near the present; lately; as, the practice is of late uncommon. -- Too late, after the proper or available time; when the time or opportunity is past.

      1913 Webster

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