GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Moil , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Moiled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Moiling.] [OE. moillen to wet, OF. moillier, muillier, F. mouller, fr. (assumed) LL. molliare, fr. L. mollis soft. See Mollify.] To daub; to make dirty; to soil; to defile.
    1913 Webster

    Thou . . . doest thy mind in dirty pleasures moil.

    1913 Webster

    Moil, v. i. [From Moil to daub; prob. from the idea of struggling through the wet.] To soil one's self with severe labor; to work with painful effort; to labor; to toil; to drudge.
    1913 Webster

    Moil not too much under ground.

    1913 Webster

    Now he must moil and drudge for one he loathes.

    1913 Webster

    Moil, n. A spot; a defilement.
    1913 Webster

    The moil of death upon them.
    Mrs. Browning.

    1913 Webster

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