GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    moot , v. See 1st Mot. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster
    moot , n. (Shipbuilding) A ring for gauging wooden pins.
    1913 Webster
    Moot, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mooted ; p. pr. & vb. n. Mooting.] [OE. moten, motien, AS. mōtan to meet or assemble for conversation, to discuss, dispute, fr. mōt, gemōt, a meeting, an assembly; akin to Icel. mōt, MHG. muoz. Cf. Meet to come together.]
    1. To argue for and against; to debate; to discuss; to propose for discussion.
      1913 Webster

      A problem which hardly has been mentioned, much less mooted, in this country.
      Sir W. Hamilton.

      1913 Webster

    2. Specifically: To discuss by way of exercise; to argue for practice; to propound and discuss in a mock court.
      1913 Webster

      First a case is appointed to be mooted by certain young men, containing some doubtful controversy.
      Sir T. Elyot.

      1913 Webster

    3. To render inconsequential, as having no effect on the practical outcome; to render academic; as, the ruling that the law was invalid mooted the question of whether he actually violated it.
    Moot , v. i. To argue or plead in a supposed case.
    1913 Webster

    There is a difference between mooting and pleading; between fencing and fighting.
    B. Jonson.

    1913 Webster

    Moot, n. [AS. mōt, gemōt, a meeting; -- usually in comp.] [Written also mote.]
    1. A meeting for discussion and deliberation; esp., a meeting of the people of a village or district, in Anglo-Saxon times, for the discussion and settlement of matters of common interest; -- usually in composition; as, folk-moot.
      J. R. Green.

      1913 Webster
    2. [From Moot, v.] A discussion or debate; especially, a discussion of fictitious causes by way of practice.
      1913 Webster

      The pleading used in courts and chancery called moots.
      Sir T. Elyot.

      1913 Webster

      Moot case, a case or question to be mooted; a disputable case; an unsettled question. Dryden. -- Moot court, a mock court, such as is held by students of law for practicing the conduct of law cases. -- Moot point, a point or question to be debated; a doubtful question. -- to make moot v. t. to render moot{2}; to moot{3}.

      1913 Webster

    Moot, a.
    1. Subject, or open, to argument or discussion; undecided; debatable; mooted.
      1913 Webster
    2. Of purely theoretical or academic interest; having no practical consequence; as, the team won in spite of the bad call, and whether the ruling was correct is a moot question.
    Mot , v. [Sing. pres. ind. Mot, Mote, Moot , pl. Mot, Mote, Moote, pres. subj. Mote; imp. Moste.] [See Must, v.] [Obs.] May; must; might.
    1913 Webster

    He moot as well say one word as another

    1913 Webster

    The wordes mote be cousin to the deed.

    1913 Webster

    Men moot [i.e., one only] give silver to the poore freres.

    1913 Webster

    So mote it be, so be it; amen; -- a phrase in some rituals, as that of the Freemasons.

    1913 Webster

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