GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Motive , n. [F. motif, LL. motivum, from motivus moving, fr. L. movere, motum, to move. See Move.]
    1. That which moves; a mover. [Obs.]

      1913 Webster
    2. That which incites to action; anything prompting or exciting to choise, or moving the will; cause; reason; inducement; object; motivation{2}.
      1913 Webster

      By motive, I mean the whole of that which moves, excites, or invites the mind to volition, whether that be one thing singly, or many things conjunctively.
      J. Edwards.

      1913 Webster

    3. (Mus.) The theme or subject; a leading phrase or passage which is reproduced and varied through the course of a comor a movement; a short figure, or melodic germ, out of which a whole movement is develpoed. See also Leading motive, under Leading. [Written also motivo.]
      1913 Webster
    4. (Fine Arts) That which produces conception, invention, or creation in the mind of the artist in undertaking his subject; the guiding or controlling idea manifested in a work of art, or any part of one.
      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Incentive; incitement; inducement; reason; spur; stimulus; cause. -- Motive, Inducement, Reason. Motive is the word originally used in speaking of that which determines the choice. We call it an inducement when it is attractive in its nature. We call it a reason when it is more immediately addressed to the intellect in the form of argument.

      1913 Webster

    Motive, a. Causing motion; having power to move, or tending to move; as, a motive argument; motive power.Motive faculty.”
    Bp. Wilkins.

    1913 Webster

    Motive power (Mach.), a natural agent, as water, steam, wind, electricity, etc., used to impart motion to machinery; a motor; a mover.

    1913 Webster

    Motive , v. t. To prompt or incite by a motive or motives; to move.
    1913 Webster

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