GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Obverse , a. [L. obversus, p. p. of obvertere. See Obvert.] Having the base, or end next the attachment, narrower than the top, as a leaf.
    1913 Webster
    Obverse , n. [Cf. F. obverse, obvers. See Obverse, a.]
    1. The face of a coin which has the principal image or inscription upon it; -- the other side being the reverse.
      1913 Webster
    2. Anything necessarily involved in, or answering to, another; the more apparent or conspicuous of two possible sides, or of two corresponding things.
      1913 Webster

      The fact that it [a belief] invariably exists being the obverse of the fact that there is no alternative belief.
      H. Spencer.

      1913 Webster

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