GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Palette , n. [See Pallet a thin board.]
    1913 Webster
    1. (Paint.) A thin, oval or square board, or tablet, with a thumb hole at one end for holding it, on which a painter lays and mixes his pigments. Hence, any other object, usually one with a flat surface, used for the same purpose. [Written also pallet.]
      1913 Webster
    2. Hence: The complete set of colors used by an artist or other person in creating an image, in any medium. The meaning of this term has been extended in modern times to include the set of colors used in a particular computer application, or the complete set of of colors available in computer displays or printing techniques.
    3. Hence: The complete range of resources and techniques used in any art, such as music.
    4. (Anc. Armor) One of the plates covering the points of junction at the bend of the shoulders and elbows.

      1913 Webster
    5. (Mech.) A breastplate for a breast drill.
      1913 Webster

      Palette knife, a knife with a very flexible steel blade and no cutting edge, rounded at the end, used by painters to mix colors on the grinding slab or palette. -- To set the palette (Paint.), to lay upon it the required pigments in a certain order, according to the intended use of them in a picture.


      1913 Webster

    pallet , n. [OE. paillet, F. paillet a heap of straw, fr. paille straw, fr. L. palea chaff; cf. Gr. fine meal, dust, Skr. pala straw, palāva chaff. Cf. Paillasse.] A small and mean bed; a bed of straw.

    1913 Webster
    Pallet, n. [Dim. of pale. See Pale a stake.] (Her.) A perpendicular band upon an escutcheon, one half the breadth of the pale.
    1913 Webster
    Pallet, n. [F. palette: af. It. paletta; prop. and orig., a fire shovel, dim. of L. pala a shovel, spade. See Peel a shovel.]
    1. (Paint.) Same as Palette.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Pottery) (a) A wooden implement used by potters, crucible makers, etc., for forming, beating, and rounding their works. It is oval, round, and of other forms. (b) A potter's wheel.
      1913 Webster
    3. (Gilding) (a) An instrument used to take up gold leaf from the pillow, and to apply it. (b) A tool for gilding the backs of books over the bands.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Brickmaking) A board on which a newly molded brick is conveyed to the hack.

      1913 Webster
    5. (Mach.) (a) A click or pawl for driving a ratchet wheel. (b) One of the series of disks or pistons in the chain pump.

      1913 Webster
    6. (Horology) One of the pieces or levers connected with the pendulum of a clock, or the balance of a watch, which receive the immediate impulse of the scape-wheel, or balance wheel.
      Brande & C.

      1913 Webster
    7. (Mus.) In the organ, a valve between the wind chest and the mouth of a pipe or row of pipes.
      1913 Webster
    8. (Zool.) One of a pair of shelly plates that protect the siphon tubes of certain bivalves, as the Teredo. See Illust. of Teredo.
      1913 Webster
    9. A cup containing three ounces, -- formerly used by surgeons.
      1913 Webster
    10. A low movable platform used for temporary storage of objects so that they can be conveniently moved; it is commonly made of wooden boards, about 4 inches high, and typically has openings in the side into which the blades of a fork-lift truck may be inserted so as to lift and move the pallet and the objects on it.

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