GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Paroquet , n. [F. perroquet, or Sp. periquito; both prob. orig. meaning, little Peter. See Parrot.] (Zool.) Same as Parrakeet. [Written also paroket, parroquet, and perroquet.]
    1913 Webster

    Paroquet auk or Paroquet auklet (Zool.), a small auk (Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus) inhabiting the coast and islands of Alaska. The upper parts are dark slate, under parts white, bill orange red. Called also perroquet auk.

    1913 Webster

    { Parrakeet , Parakeet }, n. [See Paroquet.] (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small parrots having a graduated tail, which is frequently very long; -- called also paroquet and paraquet.
    1913 Webster

    ☞ Many of the Asiatic and Australian species belong to the genus Paleornis; others belong to Polytelis, Platycercus, Psephotus, Euphema, and allied genera. The American parrakeets mostly belong to the genus Conurus, as the Carolina parrakeet (Conurus Carolinensis).

    1913 Webster

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