GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Plight , obs. imp. & p. p. of Plight, to pledge.

    1913 Webster
    Plight, obs. imp. & p. p. of Pluck.

    1913 Webster
    Plight, v. t. [OE. pliten; probably through Old French, fr. LL. plectare, L. plectere. See Plait, Ply.] To weave; to braid; to fold; to plait.[Obs.] “To sew and plight.”

    1913 Webster

    A plighted garment of divers colors.

    1913 Webster

    Plight , n. A network; a plait; a fold; rarely a garment. [Obs.] “Many a folded plight.”

    1913 Webster
    Plight, n. [OE. pliht danger, engagement, AS. pliht danger, fr. pleón to risk; akin to D. plicht duty, G. pflicht, Dan. pligt. √28. Cf. Play.]
    1. That which is exposed to risk; that which is plighted or pledged; security; a gage; a pledge. “That lord whose hand must take my plight.”

      1913 Webster
    2. [Perh. the same word as plight a pledge, but at least influenced by OF. plite, pliste, ploit, ploi, a condition, state; cf. E. plight to fold, and F. pli a fold, habit, plier to fold, E. ply.] Condition; state; -- risk, or exposure to danger, often being implied; as, a luckless plight. “Your plight is pitied.”

      1913 Webster

      To bring our craft all in another plight

      1913 Webster

    Plight, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plighted; p. pr. & vb. n. Plighting.] [AS. plihtan to expose to danger, pliht danger;cf. D. verplichten to oblige, engage, impose a duty, G. verpflichten, Sw. förplikta, Dan. forpligte. See Plight, n.]
    1. To pledge; to give as a pledge for the performance of some act; as, to plight faith, honor, word; -- never applied to property or goods. “ To do them plighte their troth.”
      Piers Plowman.

      1913 Webster

      He plighted his right hand
      Unto another love, and to another land.

      1913 Webster

      Here my inviolable faith I plight.

      1913 Webster

    2. To promise; to engage; to betroth.
      1913 Webster

      Before its setting hour, divide
      The bridegroom from the plighted bride.
      Sir W. Scott.

      1913 Webster

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