GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Profile , n. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro before + filum a thread, an outline, shape: cf. F. profil. See File arow, and cf. Purfle, Purl, a fringe.]
    1. An outline, or contour; as, the profile of an apple.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Paint & Sculp.) A human head represented sidewise, or in a side view; the side face or half face.
      1913 Webster
    3. (a) (Arch.) A section of any member, made at right angles with its main lines, showing the exact shape of moldings and the like. (b) (Civil Engin.) A drawing exhibiting a vertical section of the ground along a surveyed line, or graded work, as of a railway, showing elevations, depressions, grades, etc.
      1913 Webster

      1913 Webster

      Profile paper (Civil Engin.), paper ruled with vertical and horizontal lines forming small oblong rectangles, adapted for drawing profiles.

      1913 Webster

    Profile, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Profiled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Profiling] [Cf. F. profiler, It. profilare. See Profile, n.]
    1. to draw the outline of; to draw in profile, as an architectural member.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Mech.) To shape the outline of an object by passing a cutter around it.
      1913 Webster

      Profiling machine, a jigging machine.

      1913 Webster

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