GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Rase , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rased ; p. pr. & vb. n. Rasing.] [F. raser, LL. rasare to scrape often, v. freq. fr. L. radere, rasum, to scrape, shave; cf. Skr. rad to scratch, gnaw, L. rodere to gnaw. Cf. Raze, Razee, Razor, Rodent.]
    1. To rub along the surface of; to graze. [Obsoles.]
      1913 Webster

      Was he not in the . . . neighborhood to death? and might not the bullet which rased his cheek have gone into his head?

      1913 Webster

      Sometimes his feet rased the surface of the water, and at others the skylight almost flattened his nose.

      1913 Webster

    2. To rub or scratch out; to erase. [Obsoles.]
      1913 Webster

      Except we rase the faculty of memory, root and branch, out of our mind.

      1913 Webster

    3. To level with the ground; to overthrow; to destroy; to raze. [In this sense raze is generally used.]
      1913 Webster

      Till Troy were by their brave hands rased,
      They would not turn home.

      1913 Webster

      ☞ This word, rase, may be considered as nearly obsolete; graze, erase, and raze, having superseded it.

      1913 Webster

      Rasing iron, a tool for removing old oakum and pitch from the seams of a vessel.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- To erase; efface; obliterate; expunge; cancel; level; prostrate; overthrow; subvert; destroy; demolish; ruin.

      1913 Webster

    Raze , n. [See Race.] A Shakespearean word (used once) supposed to mean the same as race, a root. [Obs.]
    1913 Webster
    Raze, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Razed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Razing.] [F. raser. See Rase, v. t.] [Written also rase.]
    1. To erase; to efface; to obliterate.
      1913 Webster

      Razing the characters of your renown.

      1913 Webster

    2. To subvert from the foundation; to lay level with the ground; to overthrow; to destroy; to demolish.
      1913 Webster

      The royal hand that razed unhappy Troy.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- To demolish; level; prostrate; overthrow; subvert; destroy; ruin. See Demolish.

      1913 Webster