GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Read , n. Rennet. See 3d Reed. [Prov. Eng.]
    1913 Webster
    Read , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Read ; p. pr. & vb. n. Reading.] [OE. reden, ræden, AS. rǣdan to read, advise, counsel, fr. rǣd advice, counsel, rǣdan (imperf. reord) to advise, counsel, guess; akin to D. raden to advise, G. raten, rathen, Icel. rāða, Goth. rēdan (in comp.), and perh. also to Skr. rādh to succeed. √116. Cf. Riddle.]
    1. To advise; to counsel. [Obs.] See Rede.
      1913 Webster

      Therefore, I read thee, get thee to God's word, and thereby try all doctrine.

      1913 Webster

    2. To interpret; to explain; as, to read a riddle.
      1913 Webster
    3. To tell; to declare; to recite. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      But read how art thou named, and of what kin.

      1913 Webster

    4. To go over, as characters or words, and utter aloud, or recite to one's self inaudibly; to take in the sense of, as of language, by interpreting the characters with which it is expressed; to peruse; as, to read a discourse; to read the letters of an alphabet; to read figures; to read the notes of music, or to read music; to read a book.
      1913 Webster

      Redeth [read ye] the great poet of Itaille.

      1913 Webster

      Well could he rede a lesson or a story.

      1913 Webster

    5. Hence, to know fully; to comprehend.
      1913 Webster

      Who is't can read a woman?

      1913 Webster

    6. To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc.; to learn by observation.
      1913 Webster

      An armed corse did lie,
      In whose dead face he read great magnanimity.

      1913 Webster

      Those about her
      From her shall read the perfect ways of honor.

      1913 Webster

    7. To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law.
      1913 Webster

      To read one's self in, to read aloud the Thirty-nine Articles and the Declaration of Assent, -- required of a clergyman of the Church of England when he first officiates in a new benefice.

      1913 Webster

    Read, v. i.
    1. To give advice or counsel. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster
    2. To tell; to declare. [Obs.]

      1913 Webster
    3. To perform the act of reading; to peruse, or to go over and utter aloud, the words of a book or other like document.
      1913 Webster

      So they read in the book of the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense.
      Neh. viii. 8.

      1913 Webster

    4. To study by reading; as, he read for the bar.
      1913 Webster
    5. To learn by reading.
      1913 Webster

      I have read of an Eastern king who put a judge to death for an iniquitous sentence.

      1913 Webster

    6. To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts.
      1913 Webster
    7. To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly.
      1913 Webster

      To read between the lines, to infer something different from what is plainly indicated; to detect the real meaning as distinguished from the apparent meaning.

      1913 Webster

    Read, n. [AS. rǣd counsel, fr. rǣdan to counsel. See Read, v. t.]
    1. Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel. See Rede. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster
    2. [Read, v.] Reading. [Colloq.]

      1913 Webster

      One newswoman here lets magazines for a penny a read.

      1913 Webster

    Read , imp. & p. p. of Read, v. t. & i.
    1913 Webster
    Read , a. Instructed or knowing by reading; versed in books; learned.
    1913 Webster

    A poet . . . well read in Longinus.

    1913 Webster

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