GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 5 definitions

    Reveal, n.
    1. A revealing; a disclosure. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster
    2. (Arch.) The side of an opening for a window, doorway, or the like, between the door frame or window frame and the outer surface of the wall; or, where the opening is not filled with a door, etc., the whole thickness of the wall; the jamb. [Written also revel.]
      1913 Webster
    Revel , n. (Arch.) See Reveal. [R.]
    1913 Webster
    Revel, n. [OF. revel rebellion, disorder, feast, sport. See Revel, v. i.] A feast with loose and noisy jollity; riotous festivity or merrymaking; a carousal.
    1913 Webster

    This day in mirth and revel to dispend.

    1913 Webster

    Some men ruin . . . their bodies by incessant revels.

    1913 Webster

    Master of the revels, Revel master. Same as Lord of misrule, under Lord.

    1913 Webster

    Revel, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reveled or Revelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Reveling or Revelling.] [OF. reveler to revolt, rebel, make merry, fr. L. rebellare. See Rebel.]
    1. To feast in a riotous manner; to carouse; to act the bacchanalian; to make merry.

      1913 Webster
    2. To move playfully; to indulge without restraint. “Where joy most revels.”

      1913 Webster
    Revel , v. t. [L. revellere; re- + vellere to pluck, pull.] To draw back; to retract. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster

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