GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Splinter , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Splintered ; p. pr. & vb. n. Splintering.] [Cf. LG. splittern, splinteren. See Splint, n., Split.]
    1. To split or rend into long, thin pieces; to shiver; as, the lightning splinters a tree.
      1913 Webster

      After splintering their lances, they wheeled about, and . . . abandoned the field to the enemy.

      1913 Webster

    2. To fasten or confine with splinters, or splints, as a broken limb.
      Bp. Wren.

      1913 Webster
    Splinter, v. i. To become split into long pieces.
    1913 Webster
    Splinter, n. [See Splinter, v., or Splint, n.] A thin piece split or rent off lengthwise, as from wood, bone, or other solid substance; a thin piece; a sliver; as, splinters of a ship's mast rent off by a shot.
    1913 Webster

    Splinter bar. (a) A crossbar in a coach, which supports the springs. (b) The bar to which the traces are attached; a roller bolt; a whiffletree.

    1913 Webster

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