GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Stale , n. [OE. stale, stele, AS. stael, stel; akin to LG. & D. steel, G. stiel; cf. L. stilus stake, stalk, stem, Gr. στελεόν a handle, and E. stall, stalk, n.] The stock or handle of anything; as, the stale of a rake. [Written also steal, stele, etc.]
    1913 Webster

    But seeing the arrow's stale without, and that the head did go
    No further than it might be seen.

    1913 Webster

    Stale, a. [Akin to stale urine, and to stall, n.; probably from Low German or Scandinavian. Cf. Stale, v. i.]
    1. Vapid or tasteless from age; having lost its life, spirit, and flavor, from being long kept; as, stale beer.
      1913 Webster
    2. Not new; not freshly made; as, stale bread.
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    3. Having lost the life or graces of youth; worn out; decayed. “A stale virgin.”

      1913 Webster
    4. Worn out by use or familiarity; having lost its novelty and power of pleasing; trite; common.

      1913 Webster

      Wit itself, if stale is less pleasing.

      1913 Webster

      How weary, stale flat, and unprofitable
      Seem to me all the uses of this world!

      1913 Webster

      Stale affidavit (Law), an affidavit held above a year. Craig. -- Stale demand (Law), a claim or demand which has not been pressed or demanded for a long time.

      1913 Webster

    Stale, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Staled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Staling.] To make vapid or tasteless; to destroy the life, beauty, or use of; to wear out.
    1913 Webster

    Age can not wither her, nor custom stale
    Her infinite variety.

    1913 Webster

    Stale, v. i. [Akin to D. & G. stallen, Dan. stalle, Sw. stalla, and E. stall a stable. √ 163. See Stall, n., and cf. Stale, a.] To make water; to discharge urine; -- said especially of horses and cattle.

    1913 Webster
    Stale, n. [See Stale, a. & v. i.]
    1. That which is stale or worn out by long keeping, or by use. [Obs.]
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    2. A prostitute. [Obs.]

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    3. Urine, esp. that of beasts.Stale of horses.”

      1913 Webster
    Stale, n. [Cf. OF. estal place, position, abode, market, F. étal a butcher's stall, OHG. stal station, place, stable, G. stall (see Stall, n.); or from OE. stale theft, AS. stalu (see Steal, v. t.).]
    1. Something set, or offered to view, as an allurement to draw others to any place or purpose; a decoy; a stool pigeon. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      Still, as he went, he crafty stales did lay.

      1913 Webster

    2. A stalking-horse. [Obs.]
      B. Jonson.

      1913 Webster
    3. (Chess) A stalemate. [Obs.]

      1913 Webster
    4. A laughingstock; a dupe. [Obs.]

      1913 Webster

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