GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Torpid , a. [L. torpidus, fr. torpere to be stiff, numb, or torpid; of uncertain origin.]
    1. Having lost motion, or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; benumbed; as, a torpid limb.
      1913 Webster

      Without heat all things would be torpid.

      1913 Webster

    2. Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive.
      Sir M. Hale.

      1913 Webster
    Torpid , n. [See Torpid, a.] [Slang, Oxford University, Eng.]
    1. An inferior racing boat, or one who rows in such a boat.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.
    2. pl. The Lenten rowing races.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.