GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Whisk , n. [See Whist, n.] A game at cards; whist. [Obs.]
    Taylor (1630).

    1913 Webster
    Whisk, n. [Probably for wisk, and of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. visk a wisp; akin to Dan. visk, Sw. viska, D. wisch, OHG. wisc, G. wisch. See Wisp.]
    1913 Webster
    1. The act of whisking; a rapid, sweeping motion, as of something light; a sudden motion or quick puff.
      1913 Webster

      This first sad whisk
      Takes off thy dukedom; thou art but an earl.
      J. Fletcher.

      1913 Webster

    2. A small bunch of grass, straw, twigs, hair, or the like, used for a brush; hence, a brush or small besom, as of broom corn.
      1913 Webster
    3. A small culinary instrument made of wire, or the like, for whisking or beating eggs, cream, etc.

      1913 Webster
    4. A kind of cape, forming part of a woman's dress.
      1913 Webster

      My wife in her new lace whisk.

      1913 Webster

    5. An impertinent fellow. [Prov. Eng.]

      1913 Webster
    6. A plane used by coopers for evening chines.
      1913 Webster
    Whisk, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whisked ; p. pr. & vb. n. Whisking.] [Cf. Dan. viske, Sw. viska, G. wischen, D. wisschen. See Whisk, n.]
    1913 Webster
    1. To sweep, brush, or agitate, with a light, rapid motion; as, to whisk dust from a table; to whisk the white of eggs into a froth.
      1913 Webster
    2. To move with a quick, sweeping motion.
      1913 Webster

      He that walks in gray, whisking his riding rod.
      J. Fletcher.

      1913 Webster

      I beg she would not impale worms, nor whisk carp out of one element into another.

      1913 Webster

    Whisk, v. i. To move nimbly at with velocity; to make a sudden agile movement.
    1913 Webster

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