GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    hit man n.
    1. A professional murderer, esp. one working for a criminal organization; also called torpedo. [Colloq.]
    2. A slanderer working for political purposes to damage the reputation of an opponent; a hatchet man.
    marine mine , n. (Mil.) A military explosive device designed to be placed on or under the surface of a body of water, and to explode when ships pass nearby or come in contact with it. Its function is to destroy enemy ships or deny hostile naval forces access to certain areas of the sea, usually near the shoreline. Also called underwater mine and floating mine, and previously referred to as a torpedo (See torpedo{2} (a)).
    Mine, n. [F., fr. LL. mina. See Mine, v. i.]
    1913 Webster
    1. A subterranean cavity or passage; especially: (a) A pit or excavation in the earth, from which metallic ores, precious stones, coal, or other mineral substances are taken by digging; -- distinguished from the pits from which stones for architectural purposes are taken, and which are called quarries. (b) (Mil.) A cavity or tunnel made under a fortification or other work, for the purpose of blowing up the superstructure with some explosive agent.
      1913 Webster

    2. Any place where ore, metals, or precious stones are got by digging or washing the soil; as, a placer mine.
      1913 Webster
    3. (Fig.): A rich source of wealth or other good.

      1913 Webster
    4. (Mil.) An explosive device placed concealed in a location, on land or at sea, where an enemy vehicle or enemy personnel may pass through, having a triggering mechanism which detects people or vehicles, and which will explode and kill or maim personnel or destroy or damage vehicles. A mine placed at sea (formerly called a torpedo, see torpedo{2} (a)) is also called an marine mine and underwater mine and sometimes called a floating mine, even though it may be anchored to the floor of the sea and not actually float freely. A mine placed on land (formerly called a torpedo, see torpedo{3}), usually buried, is called a land mine.

      Mine dial, a form of magnetic compass used by miners. -- Mine pig, pig iron made wholly from ore; in distinction from cinder pig, which is made from ore mixed with forge or mill cinder. -- gold mine (a) a mine where gold is obtained. (b) (Fig.) a rich source of wealth or other good; same as Mine 3.


      1913 Webster

    Torpedo , n.; pl. Torpedoes . [L. torpedo, -inis, from torpere to be stiff, numb, or torpid. See Torpid.]
    1913 Webster
    1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes belonging to Torpedo and allied genera. They are related to the rays, but have the power of giving electrical shocks. Called also crampfish, and numbfish. See Electrical fish, under Electrical.
      1913 Webster

      ☞ The common European torpedo (Torpedo vulgaris) and the American species (Torpedo occidentalis) are the best known.

      1913 Webster

    2. An engine or machine for destroying ships by blowing them up; a mine{4}. Specifically: --
      1913 Webster

      (a) A quantity of explosives anchored in a channel, beneath the water, or set adrift in a current, and so designed that they will explode when touched or approached by a vessel, or when an electric circuit is closed by an operator on shore; now called marine mine. [obsolete]

      1913 Webster

      Damn the torpedoes -- full speed ahead!
      Adm. David Glasgow Farragut (At the battle of Mobile Bay, 1864).

      (b) A kind of small submarine boat carrying an explosive charge, and projected from a ship against another ship at a distance, or made self-propelling, and otherwise automatic in its action against a distant ship.

      1913 Webster

    3. (Mil.) A kind of shell or cartridge buried in earth, to be exploded by electricity or by stepping on it; now called land mine. [obsolete]
      1913 Webster
    4. (Railroad) A kind of detonating cartridge or shell placed on a rail, and exploded when crushed under the locomotive wheels, -- used as an alarm signal.
      1913 Webster
    5. An explosive cartridge or shell lowered or dropped into a bored oil well, and there exploded, to clear the well of obstructions or to open communication with a source of supply of oil.
      1913 Webster
    6. A kind of firework in the form of a small ball, or pellet, which explodes when thrown upon a hard object.
      1913 Webster
    7. An automobile with a torpedo body. [Archaic Cant]
      Webster 1913 Suppl.

      Fish torpedo, a spindle-shaped, or fish-shaped, self-propelling submarine torpedo. -- Spar torpedo, a canister or other vessel containing an explosive charge, and attached to the end of a long spar which projects from a ship or boat and is thrust against an enemy's ship, exploding the torpedo. -- Torpedo boat, a vessel adapted for carrying, launching, operating, or otherwise making use of, torpedoes against an enemy's ship., especially, a small, fast boat with tubes for launching torpedoes. -- Torpedo nettings, nettings made of chains or bars, which can be suspended around a vessel and allowed to sink beneath the surface of the water, as a protection against torpedoes.

      1913 Webster

    Torpedo, v. t.
    1. to destroy by, or subject to the action of, a torpedo.
      London Spectator.

      1913 Webster
    2. [Fig.] To destroy, cause to halt, or prevent from being accomplished; -- used esp. with reference to a plan or an enterprise, halted by some action before the plan is put into execution.

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